Thursday, September 3, 2009

Does the challenge game take too long?

So, I found a simple game that I think fits the tone of the rest of the board game to use as the challenge mechanism. I'm not sure if it is too long, though.

I imagine that challenges will occur about ten times in a game. I'm not sure of that number, though, as I haven't finished drawing up the board yet and haven't done any playtesting.

Keeping that number in mind, does it seem like the game takes too long to play? Will it detract too much from the main game? Do I need to make a new challenge system?


  1. Let the player give up before they lose 5 Men Morris.

    If you're keeping the same pool of pins from one challenge to the next (as the previous post implies) then a player probably doesn't want to waste all their pins on just any challenge. So they'll give up when it seems that they are destined for failure (especially if there are other mechanical and fictional consequences for continuing or stopping). Which will reduce the length of each challenge, except the ones that really count.

    Otherwise, I have no idea how long a game of 5 Men Morris takes. Or how much people add to the fiction as they play (the longer you go without adding in to the fiction, the worse a mechanic it is). Or how long you want or expect the game to run.

  2. Seems to me after just a few plays, it will be clear to everyone who will win the challenge game in each possible pair-up. *very* much a skill game. Unless it's easily solved, which is a different issue... :)
